Friday, May 28, 2010

Pink Saturday's Second Anniversary!

I haven't participated in Pink Saturday for a few months, but when I received Beverly's notice that this would be the second anniversary, I eagerly responded that I would be at the party! I have written 73 Pink Saturday posts, and was browsing through them to get ideas for a "wowser" of a post. I was struck by some of my photos that stood out in my mind as funny, or gloriously pink, or of something lovely and feminine, so I decided to share my favorite Pink Saturday photos that I took myself.
November 2009: My niece in my mom's hairdryer from the 1950s.
December 2008: Gloriously pink vintage Christmas ornaments.
January 2009: A noble lady from the 1780s, this container  belongs to my mom.
March 2009: Yummy, scrumptious pile of pink buttons.
I hope you will take the time to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound and wish her a Happy Second Anniversary. Over the two years, over 800 different bloggers have participated in this meme, and it is featured in this month's issue of Artful Blogging!


  1. Wonderful pinks, Elizabeth! Like strolling down memory lane. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  2. I had to drop by, Elizabeth, to see the wonderful post I KNEW you'd provide with vintage pinks. Thanks for not disappointing.

  3. Terrific pics - love the hairdryer!

  4. That hair dryer!! Oh my~~~lol

    My Grandma had one and I think my Mom did too!!I I remember sitting under it for special hairdos!!
    What fun memories I was just thinking about~~ahh thanks Elizabeth!!
    I love it!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!!
    Kay Ellen

  5. That hair dryer and that pile of pink buttons are awesome !! And, so are you. Thank you for coming to see me today. We'll be friends I just know because you're so very cute cute cute!!!

  6. Hello Elizabeth, I love that vintage pink hairdryer!! So cute :)

    Happy Pink Saturday to you!! Warmest, Brenda

  7. Hi Elizabeth! That hair dryer sure takes me back to my childhood days. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great holiday weekend! Twyla

  8. The pink hair dryer is a riot. I had one as a teenager (not pink). I still have the burn scar on my back from that d____n hose!

  9. Hey Darlin' thanks for stopping by! Sorry I haven't been over here in awhile but I promise to try harder :) Love that hair dryer!

    luvs and glitter

  10. Love the great photos. Happy Pink Saturday. Let's celebrate!
    love from ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands

  11. Happy Pink Saturday!! I just love that pic of your niece in the hair dryer. I remember sitting in one of those things!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Elizabeth. We've been pinking together almost the two years, and I have missed you while you've been away. Thank you for everything you do to make Pink Saturday special.

    I loved sharing the memories of your lovely pinks. I know that hairdryer brings memories to many of us.

  13. Hi, E.
    I was so glad that you dropped by.
    I love all your pretty pinks..

    Hope things are going good in your world.
    hugs, bj

  14. Such cute pinks you shared with us here today!!



  15. Love all the pinks you've shared, but especially the pink hairbonnet hairdryer! My mother used to make me sit under one of those!!!!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog today!


    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  16. Happpy PS! what a lovely post! thanks for sharing. have a good weekend!

  17. Happy Pink Saturday!! Love your pics! Hope to see you at my blog sometime! XX

  18. Very cool pinks. I love the hairdryer. Reminds me of one my mom used to have. Beautiful post! Happy Belated Pink Saturday!!

  19. I love the statue of the lady from the 1870's.


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