Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mailbox Monday 5/17

Mailbox Monday, hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page is a meme where folks share the yummy books that showed up at our doors! WARNING: Mailbox Mondays can lead to extreme envy and GINORMOUS wishlists!! I received a variety of goodies this week.
Leaving Unknownby Kerry Reichs I read in 1 day. Loved it and will be reviewing it next week for a TLC Book Tour.
The Great Loverby Jill Dawson is historical fiction about a 5-year period in the life of English poet Rupert Brooke where he has a nervous breakdown and an affair with a Tahitian woman while in the South Seas.
The Blind Contessa's New Machine by Carey Wallace came from the goodreads book swap. Historical fiction about the invention of the first documented typewriter, its inventor, and the Italian contessa whom he loved.
Did you receive anything great this week? Looking forward to something coming soon?



  1. HI!

    Im back and wanted to say HI! from Palm Springs! Im glad to see you doing so well! Cant wait to catch up on your happs! Talk more soon!

    Beth Ann

  2. This looks like a great book Elisabeth; enjoy. Here is my mailbox:

  3. I have an award for you.

  4. I'm very interested in the Blind Contessa! Happy reading! Here's my Mailbox.

  5. The Reichs book looks good. Glad you liked it. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

  6. Leaving Unknown has caught my eye. If you read it in a day it must be good! I'll be putting it on the wish list!

  7. You are a fast reader! Enjoy each of your new books. :)

    Here's my mailbox:

  8. Looks like you got some fun reads!


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