Tuesday, April 07, 2015

On Being a Follower

In an effort to write more discussion posts, I am participating in the 2015 Discussion Challenge hosted by It Starts at Midnight and Feed Your Fiction Addiction. This will actually be my only true challenge this year, as the others were all things I do anyway. This one will push me outside of my usual habits.

I've been wanting to discuss followers. Currently I am following 37 blogs. Some I also follow on Twitter. That's it. No Pinterest, Facebook, or StumbleUpon for me. I don't need to see the same idea in six different places. So how do I personally decide whether or not to follow a blog? Some things are cut and dried, others are more ambiguous.

Can I actually read it? I mean visually. I recently visited a blog that had a small, darkish green, scrolly font on a black background. I enlarged it to read and it was interesting, but I won't go back because it was too difficult to read even enlarged.

Does the blogger write more than just reviews? I only follow one blog that is just reviews, because often it introduces me to books I haven't heard about, but that's it. I want to know more about the blogger personally, or have something to relate to from a meme or discussion post. 

The same goes for blogs that are all memes. While they are more fun to read than reviews, it tells me the blogger has difficulty with original ideas.

Does the blogger read some books that are similar to my taste? I visit a lot of blogs through memes and with many I have no reading tastes in common. I will still visit them and comment for the meme, but they aren't ones I'll follow. Sometimes for a giveaway or meme one is required to follow the host. I'm not a fan of that. 

Now, why don't I use more social media than Twitter and my blog? Easy, I don't want people from my book world in my FB or Pinterest world. I know I could set up separate accounts, but why? It's a lot of work to provide interesting, different content on all these platforms. I'm not looking for more followers or page hits, since I'm not about making money or beating out other blogs for more followers. I get enough ARCs with my current traffic. I know there are bloggers who follow every blog they visit more than a couple of times, and that boost is always appreciated, but I just couldn't keep up with my feed and which blogs I actually wanted to read and those that I only followed to be nice.

Do you follow every blog you visit? Do you follow the same person on different social media sites?
This post is part of the 2015 Discussion Challenge hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight.


  1. Wow, I need to know your secrets! I follow way too many blogs at the moment. My problem is twofold: I genuinely read and like a LOT of blogs, and I followed a lot of blogs when I was first starting out, but I just can't unfollow, it feels mean! Now, if I really like a blog, and especially if I am friendly with its author, I will follow on more than one social media. Twitter, Instagram, sometimes Pinterest. Now, I am currently on an indefinite Facebook hiatus because frankly, it started to annoy me. But if/when I go back, I don't know what I would do about that. I have made some real friends through this, and I WOULD likely follow them.

    As for following every blog I visit... nope. Not even close. I used to follow for giveaways but now I do not ever. (Unless I stumble upon their blog for a giveaway and realize I LOVE it, but usually I would visit a few more times before following.) My rule now is that I have to enjoy/comment on at least 5 posts OR know them via social media before I follow in any capacity, because frankly, I just don't have anymore room!

    This is a great topic! I am curious to see what others think too!
    (Oh- CAPTCHA made me enter numbers, just an FYI!)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  2. I do follow the same people on diff sites. Part of it is showing support. My favorite thing to check is blogger dash. I know a lot of people have forgotten blogger dash, but I love it, BUT, I've discovered it doesn't always show me everything and that's where twitter may come in. I do not follow every blog I visit. If the posts are too long, I grow bored. If a blogger talks about herself too much, I feel their self centered. Or perhaps their behavior another site puts me off, like goodreads.

    Similar books, a cool attitude, and communication with me keeps me following.

  3. Sometimes I will follow the same blog on different social media sites, but honestly I am rarely on social media. I follow the blogs I really want updates from via email, because I for sure see those updates.

    I agree with your first point about readability. The blog's entire appearance matters to me. If it's just unorganized or difficult to read for any reason, I probably won't be coming back often. Unless the blogger puts up great content often.

    I also agree about the types of posts. I like discussion posts, as they are fun to read and comment on. I, myself sometimes go through times where I just can't come up with any new/interesting content, so I don't expect it constantly. But it's definitely nice to have other content than just reviews.

    Sam @ Sharing Inspired Kreations

  4. Oh good on you for doing the discussion challenge! It's something I'm doing but find hard.

    I don't even stop to read a post if it's too hard to read, red on black etc.

    I generally follow people in one way, sometimes two. I don't spend a lot of time on other sites, and I think you are wise keeping some social sites separate. I do have a page for my blog on Facebook but I think it has very limited use. Basically I use it for commenting with authors, bloggers etc, but it keeps it separate from my personal Facebook, which I use for family mostly.

  5. Really admire your restraint, as I follow way too many blogs and have a tough time keeping up with them all. I also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest if I like their content and enjoy talking with them, otherwise I just follow the blog.

    I don't follow every blog I visit, although I did do that in my early blogging days. Now I check previous posts to make sure we have similar tastes in books and that they're not just memes and cover reveals.

    Interesting discussion!

  6. I have to admit that I follow a TON of blogs, way more than I could ever completely keep up with. I follow via Bloglovin' and then just every few days or so go through my Bloglovin' feed and click on the posts that interest me.

    The blogs that I REALLY want to follow (meaning, I don't want to miss any of their posts), I follow via email. I still don't go to every single post, but I know I've at least seen them all.

    Great discussion and I'm glad you're joining us!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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