Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Review: Backseat Saints

Joshilyn Jackson's Backseat Saintsis a look into the world of mistreated women. Why do they stay with their abusers? Why don't they report them to the police? The once bright and funny Rose Mae Lolly has made herself over into perfect Amarillo housewife Ro Grandee, trapped in a marriage heavy with physically abusive "love". Her fate seems mapped out when one day she encounters a mysterious gypsy woman in an airport, whose tarot cards forsee that Ro's husband is going to kill her if she doesn't kill him first.
With her snurfly 3-legged dog Gretel, Rose sets out across country to her hometown of Fruiton, AL, looking for her high school sweetheart, and uncovering many truths which she has had hidden inside herself for twenty years. Ending her journey in Berkley, CA, Rose has to learn that there are people who will help her whom she can trust, and that she has more inner strength than she realizes.
Backseat Saints is a raw look at one of society's biggest problems that we often don't want to face. The characters are believable and the situations are real, unfortunately, shining a spotlight into the depths of human cruelty, and giving readers a taste of hope for Rose Mae to create a new life.
You can find more great books at Cym Lowell's Book Review Party Wednesday! FTC Disclosure: I received no compensation for this review, other than an uncorrected Advance Reader Copy of the book.


  1. That book sounds very interesting. My wife had been abused for many a year. I have a problem with why women do not get out. I understand better now. But I think I'll read that book for maybe a different perspective.

  2. I really enjoyed her earlier book, "Gods in Alabama" and have this one on my wishlist. Rose Mae was a background player in that one, and I always felt she had more to tell us. I'm looking forward to this one. Thanks for the review.

  3. Thanks for your review. I've been seeing other buzz over this book, and I think it should go into my TBR list!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  4. thanks for the review - I heard good things about this one at BEA!

  5. I love Joshilyn Jackson and can't wait to read this one. Great review.


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