Sunday, October 25, 2009

Book Blogger Help Needed!

OK, Folks, I'm doing a much-needed re-evaluation of my blog, as well as how I occupy daily life and trying not to waste time, which is my greatest skill, especially since I have no true obligations in this world.
So, my Book Blogging friends, I am in a big conundrum and need some opinions. I am getting overwhelmed with record keeping and posting. I have accounts with Good Reads, Library Thing, and Shelfari, and only notice subtle difference in each. I would like to cut down to just one and am looking for opinions on what people use and why. Do you use it as social/reading networking as well as your own records? I know these are all personal preferences, but they'll make me think about my particular priorities, also.
Not only am I trying to cut down on my record keeping, I'm trying to put more effort into building a community of book blogging readers. Do you read and/or post reviews in other places like Amazon, Book Blogs, BlogHer, etc. If so, has that expanded your readership?
Let's see if I can streamline my book blogging stuff before 2010!

I got this great image at


  1. What is this record keeping that you're doing? I stopped using that amazon widget because it always put my latest book on the bottom of the damn list instead of the top. I belong to Shelfari but never use the site. Sorry, can't help ya!

    Justine :o )

  2. I have used goodreads before .. I have an account there, but lost the time to read as much as I have in the past - so I dont have too too much input on that

    ... have you used Its a website that you can create your own social network and build a site from there .. I know of alot of different artists/groups making networks, it may help you bring your readers together to colaborate your books and reading materials :)

  3. I have no helpful advice but will enjoy seeing what you decide. I use Library Thing but don't read reviews there.

    Since I began blogging, I haven't sought a bookblog but I am certainly not averse to them. Once I get a feel for the reviewer, I have a better idea if I would like the same book they might recommend. Most of my new books or authors currently come from a small forum of friends who have been together for years.

    I do like to get out of my rut from time to time though, and an intriguing review will do that. I read many of Oprah's recommendations years ago when she devoted time to her "book club". I'm not an Oprah groupie, but her summaries were usually enough to spark my interest.

  4. I just go to Shelfari from time to time. When I am looking for a review I go to Amazon and that usually gives me the information I am looking for. I generally link to Amazon from BookMooch, which I visit every few days. I've been trading books for awhile and it's the only thing that keeps some measure of book order in my life.

  5. I can not advise either but i did want to personally welcome you to the SSS

  6. So many wonderful ideas! I generally link to Amazon from BookMooch, which I visit every few days. I've been trading books for awhile and it's the only thing that keeps some measure of book order in my life.

  7. just stopping by visiting all the SSS Participants-Hope your having a wonderful week

  8. I use and adore LibraryThing, but that started way before blogging. I use it to catalog the books I own, the books I want to own (it lets me keep a wish list and has a great mobile interface so I can check what I have on my phone when I'm standing in a bookstore). It has a very interactive social element also, which you can use or not use as you find people of similar tastes.

    It's cheap, very user friendly, and to me, the best thing since the printing press.

    I used to post on Amazon, but some of their policies and bullying in the marketplace are turning me off, so I'm using them less and less. I post my reviews on my blog, and on several different 'challenge' threads on LT, depending on where that particular book fits.


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